
The continuity of the Suns’ offense was dragged down by O ‘Neal, but at this time Li Cheng seized the opportunity. He scored wildly and the Pacers finally overtook the score before the end of the third quarter.

In this quarter, Li Cheng scored 24 points in a crazier state than half-time, and the Pacers finally overtook the score.
"Everyone had high expectations for a game, but the Celtics were in a mess and were easily beaten by the Pacers. The fans were very disappointed. It’s true that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment!"
"No one thought this game would be a wonderful game, but this Li Cheng’s runaway and the Sun’s crazy counterattack gave everyone a wonderful battle."
"The Suns obviously won’t give up easily. I can’t wait to see the match between the two teams in the fourth quarter."
"Li Cheng will not give up Stoudemire and I think this game is likely to fight to the last second."
"We’ll just have to wait and see."
In the last game, as the commentator said, the Pacers and Suns exhibited hand-to-hand combat or Li Chengxiao exhibited hand-to-hand combat while Nash and Granger assisted.
O ‘Neill didn’t get a chance to play in the last quarter, and this big stage was left to Li Cheng and Stoudemire.
Sung Jae Lee has never played low singles again in this section. He wants to solve the game in his most familiar way.
In addition, Stoudemire and Nash’s pick-and-roll also left the Pacers helpless.
The game has evolved to the present, and the two teams are almost undefended. They fight for who scores more goals.
If you get two points, I will get one more point than you.
Li Cheng’s three-pointer shot hit the Stoudemire line to complete the 2+1 storm.
After Granger broke through, he stopped the jumper and hit Nash. He broke through the reasonable collision zone and threw the ball back to the basket. The basketball bounced twice at the blue neck and fell into the basket.
No matter who is in this game, they have come up with the best state and the fiercest attack mode.
As time went on, Sung Jae Lee attacked and didn’t forget what Stegen said to him. He was still deliberately looking for a foul from his opponent.
In the last minute of the game, Barbossa got the fifth foul. gentry Nai allowed Hill to defend Li Cheng, and Li Cheng hit his first free throw in this game.
Stegen is getting more and more excited to watch him on the sidelines. It seems that he wants to play in a shirt.
Stoudemire scored a mid-range shot with the last three minutes left to tie the score to 1-1.
Suns tied the score again.
The more critical the moment, the more awake Li Cheng’s brain will be. The more critical the moment, the more powerful the attack force Li Cheng will be.
Sung Jae Lee dribbled steadily outside the three-point line, and then Ibaka came out to pick and roll him. He stepped into the three-point line and raised his hand and threw it.
Sun defense didn’t hit Li Cheng’s shot without any doubt.
Li Cheng, who clenched his fists, attracted the fans to scream at the scene, while the dj shouted at the scene made Cances’s center of gravity crazy again.
"This goal is the first-sixth-tenth-point of our God of War in the game!"
In the third game of the new season, Li Cheng scored 6 points. What a great number!
The catch Nash ball was shot by Ibaka, Granger held it and his ball gave the Ford Pacers a fast break!
Ibaka’s performance on the scene has been getting better and better. When he was a child, the hard life made this Congolese man bear more and more mature than his peers.
Ford threw the ball to the speed. Li Cheng, the defender of the Suns, made a sudden stop after Sung Jae Lee’s three-point line. Then he dribbled the ball twice in a row and the rhythm escaped the threat from behind. Li Cheng made a three-pointer indifferently in the case of interference.
Many fans raised three fingers at the scene, and when the ball hit, the fans waved their hands wildly. The Pacers took a 5-point lead in 2 minutes and 21 seconds.
Some fans have shouted "7! 7! 7!”
The fans want Li Cheng, who has scored 64 points, to win the first 7+ score in his career.
However, Li Cheng didn’t score any more. Stoudemire shot wide again, and Granger chased a CIC to expand the difference to 7 points.
Nash’s 3-pointer left some hope for the Sun, but Stoudemire’s foul on Ibaka ruined the Sun’s last hope.
In the end, the Pacers beat the Suns 119-112 and scored 64 points. Li Cheng led the Pacers to shoot the Sun successfully at home.
Li Cheng’s rampage made the bully’s 49-point effort go to waste, and the bully’s ferocity highlighted the mighty God of War from the side!
O ‘Neal snorted at the end of the game and left the last quarter. He sat on the bench for a whole period, which made him a shark who once dominated the league. How could he stand it?
"You played a great game!" Nash vs. Li Chengdao
Li Cheng laughed. "I loved watching you play when I was a child. I never thought I would have the opportunity to compete with you."
"Many players have said that. It seems that I am really old!" Nash touched his elegant long hair and laughed
"You are still in good shape, and you can play for at least five years."
"Ha ha! Thank you for your kind words. "To be continued.
Chapter 276 Friends get together
Crazy scored 49 points, 11 rebounds and 6 assists. The bully defeated Indiana naidi, and the god of war who was crazier and fiercer than him laughed at the end.
The Pacers, who have won six games in a row, will fly to Cleveland to challenge the Cleveland Cavaliers after a day off.
The Pacers Cavaliers, the latest pairing rivals in the league, will finally meet in the new season.
Industry Conscience Pacers’ schedule this season is also very interesting. Perhaps this is because the league deliberately arranged the Pacers’ strong teams to compete when arranging the schedule. The teams with grievances were closely arranged together.
After the Cavaliers, the Pacers will face the New Jersey Nets at home. This is another collision between two China players. This will be a China score that is madly sought after by China fans.
Then the Pacers are at home again, and they have to move to their new home, Oklahoma City Thunder.
After the Thunder, the Pacers will go to New Jersey, and it will be another derby between China players.
Behind the Nets, the Pacers received two opponents, the 76ers and the Bulls.
The city is Li Cheng’s first in the nba, and the more powerful China God of War will welcome visitors from the city at his own home in the new season. Sung Jae Lee City is crazy, and everyone is still in his mind. This time, Sung Jae Lee will meet the "guests" at his own home. How will he prepare for it?
But the bull Lor Deng is a guy whose heart is shadowed by Li Cheng’s words. In the new season, they have chosen their "Jordan heir" to prepare for the core reconstruction of Derycross. How will the bull solve its former grievances?
Some media have already made a preview of the upcoming race of the Pacers. "Whether you love the Pacers, hate the Pacers or watch the lively fans, you should set your sights on the Pacers in the next day. The Pacers’ competition is full of stories and wonderful stories-Cleveland! At 2: 03, we will hit you directly. "
"Is the little emperor revenge in the new season or Mars continue to write a winning streak record for the emperor? You can’t miss this game. "
The Cavaliers’ game is on November, but the Pacers took a plane to Cleveland after the Suns’ game.
If you toss on the plane for two days in a row, it will make the pacers very tired, so they will rest in Cleveland for one day and then fly back to Cleveland after the Cavaliers game to prepare for the game against New Jersey.
Compared with the former Pacers’ revenge on the Celtics, the grudges of the little emperor China, the God of War, deserve more media attention.
Less than a season later, Li Cheng James has become the number one enemy in the whole league.
James’s great talent will definitely take over this alliance, but suddenly Li Cheng is in the way of the emperor’s accession to the throne
The rise of Li Cheng is bound to collide with James, and judging from the record of fighting, Li Cheng’s hatred against James has been completely insoluble.
Li Cheng faced James for the first time, followed by a playoff sweep, and then James was not calm when he faced Li Cheng at the Olympic Games. If the little emperor could give Li Cheng one less steal, maybe the final gold medal would be another one.
However, the past history is that if everything in the United States can’t be changed, the only certainty is that Li Cheng and James’ contradictions and hatred are already insoluble.
All such a game will be like Mars hitting the earth in everyone’s eyes.
This season, the Lakers Cavaliers collision will make everyone excited. That’s what everyone expects. Another game, 23-24, is also what everyone expects. But the overall strength of the Lakers is stronger. The most exciting thing for everyone is 23-23! Pedestrian knight collision
"Mars hits Earth, Cleveland, Indiana 2323 Super Collision"