
If we let Chang Sheng take a victory away from Camp Nou as if nothing had happened after what he said about Barcelona, it would be like slapping all the faces of Barcelona!

How can such a thing be tolerated?
Chapter two hundred and twenty-four Two "dry" wars
Lazio was disturbed by Barcelona fans in the middle of the night, and it soon became known throughout Europe.
Unlike Barcelona, most other media criticize Barcelona fans for this practice.
It’s crazy that they came prepared this time …
Three hanging firecrackers and 10 thousand firecrackers plus all kinds of music bombing
And according to media reports, this is an organized action.
If everyone learns from Barcelona fans, how can they play away with peace of mind?
"Corriere dello Sport" everyone described a scene in which Lazio would play away games in the future.
"… until the team arrived at the airport of the visiting city, the media didn’t know what the Lazio couch hotel was and where it was … The reporters tried to buy off the Lazio club officials, but they didn’t … So they followed the Lazio bus, but they were dumbfounded that Lazio had prepared five identical buses! There were reporters who lost their cars on the way … Finally, they were able to find the reporters of Lazio couch hotel successfully … No one! It was not until the game that everyone knew where their hotel was … This is not a spy story, this is a real away story that happened in the future … "
They mocked the Barcelona fans in this way.
Ignoring this has created a problem for UEFA.
Changsheng and Guardiola are both Platini’s favorite coaches Lazio and Barcelona, and Platini appreciates football.
Who should the two cadres support in fighting now?
Lazio was obviously treated unfairly away from home. If Lazio finally lost to Barcelona and was eliminated by Barcelona for this reason, what would it be like?
If Changsheng goes to UEFA to cry again, it will be even more difficult for Platini.
Who are you helping?
What does Guardiola think of helping Chang Sheng?
What would you think if you helped Guardiola win?
Finally Platini can say, "We can’t interfere with this kind of fan affairs, but I personally don’t agree with this practice …"
He didn’t punish Barcelona or offend Lazio.
run with the hare and hunt with the hound
In fact, UEFA can’t punish Barcelona. They can’t ban Barcelona for harassing Lazio at 3: 00 in the morning, can they?
And it’s not good to directly condemn Barcelona, because it’s for the fans to do it themselves.
Talking too much about this matter before this game will be recognized by Barcelona as UEFA, which is putting pressure on them to favor Lazio.
This thing is going to be a big deal.
Barcelona is a G14 member, and it is also a giant in the world in the last two years.
UEFA needs teams like Lazio and Barcelona to improve the image of European football.
Barcelona played Chelsea away in the Champions League semi-final last season. As a result, there were many controversial penalties in that game.
Referee Henning made many decisions in favor of Barcelona in the game, which finally made Barcelona eliminate Chelsea and advance to the final.
And finally won the championship trophy.
After that game, Guardiola also became a Platini.
Although these statements are groundless, it is indeed well known that UEFA has taken good care of Barcelona.
There are still some people who are not angry about Barcelona’s triple crown because of this "Stamford Bridge tragedy"
Others compare winning Lazio and Guardiola Barcelona to thinking that Lazio is much cleaner than Barcelona. At the very least, Lazio players will not dive frequently on the court or throw injured teammates after their players fall to the ground, but will besiege the referee for the first time.
Of course, this may also have a lot to do with Barcelona players.
Because most of their players are short and not tall and strong, they have to dive to protect themselves. Later, when they grow up, they find that diving can not only protect themselves, but also make more benefits, so they are happy to do so.
Compared with Barcelona, there are not many short players among the winning players, and the winning football style is ikiaka, but it has always been tough.
This style has continued from Valencia to Lazio.
His team naturally doesn’t dive to cheat the referee’s support.
Uefa didn’t say anything, so Platini said that his attitude was impartial enough, but it still made Barcelona feel dissatisfied.
The World Sports News criticized Platini for not making such remarks before the game.
"If he can do it, then he should keep silent. If he really has something to say, he should wait until the end of the game instead of announcing his attitude in such a hurry … Everyone saw what he said. I think this will put pressure on Barcelona, for example, suggesting that the referee will be more strict with Barcelona and not Lazio in the game …"
Some people in the Barcelona Club Department are also dissatisfied with Platini’s words. "He just said the first half of the sentence, but there is really no need to say the second half … which proves who his heart really favors …"
The Italian media are ridiculous about Barcelona’s position.
"It’s almost as ridiculous as the rivalry between two sons … look at Barcelona’s sad tone …"
"The world sports news is to recognize their own practice is really bad? Otherwise, what would the referee be more severe on Barcelona? Because he doesn’t like what Barcelona fans are doing, does he? I have never seen such a stupid media! "
So with the war of words between the two sides, Barcelona’s home game against Lazio is coming.
Lazio players are in a much better state of mind after afternoon sleep.
Physical fitness has also recovered a little.
The intensity of physical training in the afternoon is very low, mainly to let the players relax their physical activities.
It was a relief to see the players regain their vitality and always win.
If he really loses the game because of this, he will be furious. When he sees Barcelona, he must blow it up! He doesn’t give a fuck about his friendship with Guardiola!
Now it’s okay that Guardiola has saved his friendship, but Barcelona still has to die!
When the Lazio bus arrived at Camp Nou, the reporters were waiting there.
Changsheng was surrounded by reporters as soon as he got on the bus.
This is the first time that Barcelona fans have been able to interview Changsheng after they harassed Lazio.
Changsheng also slept in the hotel for almost a day and didn’t go anywhere in the hotel lobby, which was extremely deserted.
The reporters couldn’t find anyone else to interview him.
It’s fine now, but it’s blocked here