
Too many! Too many!

And those defeated teams also think that the players have proved their ability and are more willing to introduce such a successful player. Anyway, even if they don’t, they can’t make him an opponent …
This kind of situation is very common, and it is even a hidden rule in football.
But the English media don’t care if modric will really go to Manchester United. They just don’t want to see the Italian team beat the English team …
After Chang Sheng said this, the English media suddenly became silent, especially the Manchester media.
Obviously, they don’t want modric to be full of fighting spirit against Manchester United
If modric really plays well in the final and helps Lazio beat Manchester United, there is no place for Manchester United to cry!
The English media has been quiet a lot, and Lazio can continue to prepare for the war with peace of mind.
In the last half week before the game, Chang Sheng focused on practicing set pieces and penalty kicks.
He remembers that Manchester United and Chelsea decided on penalties in the final of the Champions League this season.
He doesn’t know if his arrival will change the course of the game.
But he also remembers that it rained in the final.
If it rains and the rain is loud … Lazio will definitely be greatly affected by paying attention to ball control.
And Manchester United may be able to rely on the British style of play to dominate.
That game was a contest between two English teams and can’t be used as a reference.
The head coach of the winning team has to consider all the problems and make detailed and sufficient plans before the game, so that he will not panic if he really encounters such problems during the game.
If possible, the winner will naturally not want to take a penalty.
But if it comes to that, he also hopes that the team will be fully prepared.
In this way, three days before the final, Lazio left Rome, Italy and flew to Moscow, Russia.
Make final preparations for adapting to the venue and adjusting the time difference finals over there.
Of course, in the eyes of many people, this may be the last glory of this Lazio.
Whether they can win the Champions League or not, many of them will leave the team at the end of this season.
But even so, this team is still worthy of respect-this is the opinion of those media.
They seem to have known before the game, and even the eulogy was written …
Chapter two hundred What if it rains?
He has never competed with Sir Alex Ferguson since he became a professional coach.
The greatest and most successful coach in today’s football is the idol of several people.
Ever-victorious seniors like coach Ferguson as one of his idols.
But at that time, he was able to compete with virtual Ferguson in the game.
Now he can play live FM and compete with the real Ferguson
Now the game is not over, they have already had a confrontation.
Before the game, Ferguson hid in a pile of media and launched a psychological warfare offensive against Lazio.
However, this offensive was easily resolved by Changsheng.
After that, both sides were quiet, but this does not mean that there will be no fighting between the two.
Ferguson is famous for being good at psychological warfare to attack opponents in English football. During his more than 20 years of coaching Manchester United, many famous coaches fell on his spit.
He also enjoys this process.
But now there are fewer and fewer people in England who can have a good time with him
Ferguson is not interested in "humiliating" Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger after years of complete degradation and failure to win the championship.
Ferguson, Manchester United’s arch-enemy, is too lazy to fight with their manager.
It is Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho who has made Ferguson feel young again in the past three years …
Unfortunately, Mourinho left soon.
Therefore, it is rare for everyone to see his comments on the coaches of other teams in the media.
Now he has a winning streak in the Champions League final.
Old fox versus little mad dog
That’s really a needle in the mouth.
For Ferguson, everything can be used for psychological warfare to put pressure on opponents.
For example, a simple and ordinary thing like arriving in Moscow has become a psychological warfare opportunity in Ferguson’s hands.
Because Manchester United arrived in Moscow three hours before Lazio.
Ferguson told reporters at Moscow Domodedov airport, "We came earlier than them? Ha, that’s good. We are already ahead of Lazio! "
Three hours later, when Chang Sheng led Lazio to Domodedov airport, the reporters came to talk.