
"What do you mean?"

"Shirley’s parents had a very important project before her death, but Shirley’s return had to be restarted because of the death of the main staff." Jack Danny said, "But Gin seems to be interested in this project, so he frantically forced Shirley to quit the research team and go to him."
Speaking of which, the new member Shirley is Miyano Shiho. Now the situation is that Akai Shuuichi’s exposure will directly involve his intimate Miyano beauty. Gin can also put Miyano beauty under house arrest in the name of supervision and force Miyano Shiho to quit the research team to achieve his goal.
This hateful guy knew I was going to embarrass this guy.
"Scotland, you also failed?" Jack Danny said
"Well, that guy left a cause." Zhu Jingguang sat down beside Jianggu and said, "This time we were careless."
"It’s okay, it’s okay," said Jack Danny. "Our group doesn’t care about the rat’s life and death. I care about whether our people will go out. Today, you helped us a lot and gave us bargaining chips to talk to Rum."
Descending valley smiled. "That’s really an honor."
ZhuFuJingGuang didn’t speak.
Descending Valley "But what are you going to do with Miyano?"
Jack Danny "just supervised according to the normal procedure, and after the suspicion is ruled out, she can be released for activities without being too hard on her."
"I want to continue to control Shirley by controlling Miyano."
Jack Danny: "Well, don’t say it if you know it, but to be honest, it’s much better here than in Gin."
It’s good to be silent and all members of the organization, but I don’t know where the beauty lies.
Because the whisky team is in the same safe house, when searching the safe house, the valley and the light rooms with various views will also be inspected. However, since the two of them are now under the scientific research team, Jack Danny will check the safe house.
It’s okay to finally check down the valley. If he hears Jack Danny ask, "Don’t you two have nightlife?" What, I didn’t see that and that? "
When Jack Danny’s brain circuit was connected, he was annoyed, ashamed and panicked. He and hir were pure friends. How could there be those things!
Seeing that the two fake lovers’ lies are about to be exposed, Zhu Jingguang turned the tide and calmly said, "Bo doesn’t like it."
Down the valley "…"
Jack Danny looked at me and then smiled and said vaguely, "Have a nice evening."
You have something to say.
small theater
Forced to the rooftop, Akai Shuuichi stared at the face. Scotland suddenly said, "Ley, I can cut you some slack."
Akai Shuuichi "…"
"Actually, Ley, you already owe me a favor. I can hide something for you, George." Scotland gave a gentle smile. "Can I add another chip?"
Akai Shuuichi thought of Miyano beauty for a moment, but even though it was well hidden, the Scots noticed him and shook him. Then he said, "Don’t tell me that you don’t care. I believe in my own judgment."
At ordinary times, Scotland is taciturn, and occasionally he can spy out his tenderness for waves. Now he feels the fear of Scottish peace and appearance. He says, "What do you want?"
"Don’t worry, it won’t be difficult for you. Just remember to owe me one." Scotland laughed. "Let’s go, but be careful to avoid bullets."
Akai Shuuichi didn’t stay and left at once. Just before he went out, a bullet hit his feet. He looked up and saw the smiling Scottish suddenly blessed his heart. Is this something that almost hit the wave in revenge?
Scotland withdrew its gun and looked at Akai Shuuichi’s back. I’m sorry, but you came to contain Ley in your name.
Chapter 33 Chapter 33
▍ Ke Xueyuan years
A month after Akai Shuuichi’s identity was exposed, two people kept files in the organization and transferred them to the scientific research team. Now, unless they get brandy’s approval, no one in the organization can explore them.
"In this case, the ghost can’t find the information about Scotland, and hir is out of danger for the time being." The hanging heart of the valley can finally be released a little.
"Yes, but it’s a little harder for zer." Zhu Fujingguang handed a small cake to the mouth of the valley where he was receiving information and said, "The Rum Intelligence Group can’t lack outstanding talents, so let zer hold his post."
"But it would be nice to be safe," Miyano said with a smile.
Now Miyano Mae can live like a normal person when she is released from surveillance. However, things in Akai Shuuichi still hit her hard. Now her face is smiling, but if you look closely, you can still see that she is hiding in laughter and sadness.
After leaving Miyano’s home, Shimonoseki angrily said, "That guy didn’t bring any good things to the United States."
"Well, it’s the best fruit now," said Zhu Jingguang. "Without the two sisters in our sight, we can help them at the first time if anything happens."
"Can this be the case?" Descending Valley sighed and then he noticed the commotion in the aquarium. "Police car? Something happened? "
Two people want to leave only to see Date Wataru and a thin young man put a person into a police car, which must be the murderer.
"It seems that the monitor is also guarding our country very seriously."
"Everyone is the same," said Zhu Jingguang. "It’s going to rain soon, so let’s hurry home."
"… after smelling the blood, I rushed to the scene to benefit all my feelings and find out who the prisoner is. Once bitten, I will continue to produce evidence before the other party gives up the struggle. This is the detective [1]."
A passage caught the attention of Jianggu and Zhu Jingguang. Jianggu glanced at the oncoming two young men in red, looking like a cockeyed cock.
"Hey, it’s going to rain, Shinichi. Let’s run back."
"Ah, wait …"
A girl’s mobile phone fell into the waterway.
"Xinyi, how can my mobile phone be there!"
"I guessed where the murderer would put the murder weapon and then …"
"Kudou Shinichi, you reasoning idiot!"
Zhufujingguang chuckled and caught the attention of two people.
Mao Lilan was stunned and then wiped her tears. "Sorry to make you laugh."
Zhu Jingguang waved his hand. "I was rude. Please take this umbrella."
Mao Lilan "Hey, what about you?"
"No, I played an umbrella with my friend." Zhu Fujingguang smiled. "Take it."
"Thank you very much"
Descending valley looked at the mobile phone and then held up an umbrella and said, "Let’s go."
"Here we go," said Zhu Jingguang with a smile. "Let me hold an umbrella."
When he got home and went down to the valley, he blew Zhu Jingguang to take a shower and change clothes. He went into the kitchen to cook ginger soup himself.
The rising white gas and the smell of ginger remind Jianggu of the day when he was a child. Suddenly it rained, and when everyone ran home, he felt confused.
He wants everyone to have a home. What about me? Where is my home? He sat in the heavy rain and didn’t know where he should go back.
Suddenly, a pair of immature hands grabbed his wrist and pulled him to hide from the rain. When he stopped at a house, he found that he had been called a little dumb transfer student.
As soon as he entered the room, he was stuffed with a clean suit by the dumb transfer student and then pushed into the bedroom.