
Zhang Yunjie’s gentle tone is like a spring breeze, which can make people’s hearts smooth. Many Wang Jingwei’s temper is pressed. "Okay, let’s practice slowly today. Let’s get to the point. It’s your own business to say what you practice."

He took Shen Lin to dinner with him, and Zhang Yunjie watched her boyfriend leave. It’s a good thing to be crazy about the ball, but it’s better to be patient when taking people to practice.
"Yan, don’t take it to heart. Others are so beastly."
Yan lin shook his head. "It’s okay. I know I didn’t do it myself." She always remembered that Shen Lin and Wang Jingwei said that they had to fly back to the pharmacy, but there was something wrong with jumping together. The old habits seemed to be brought out. She was also very bored
"You go to eat first. I want to be quiet." Lin Yanxiao smiled and walked to the tree over there alone. She really wanted to be quiet for a while
"Is she all right?" Yang Xi is a little worried. She thinks yan lin is also a genius, but there is a difference between men and women.
"Nothing," Zhang Yunjie smiled. "She should be able to make sense. Let’s go and have dinner."
Yan lin is very grateful to her. At this time, she actually doesn’t want teammates to comfort her, but just wants to sit here quietly.
She has been going smoothly since she started practicing, and this time it is the most troublesome, but what is the problem?
Is Wang Jingwei’s point not in place? No, he didn’t hide anything. Maybe he was more attentive because of Zhang Yunjie.
Is that Shen Lin’s ball not in place? It’s not that Shen Lin-er is the best in men’s volleyball.
Since both of them are fine, the problem can be in themselves. yan lin suddenly feels a little tired.
She believes that she is from the future, so she is sure of everything. But many things may have changed because of her arrival. Maybe five consecutive championships will be lost. Maybe the roots of China women’s volleyball team will not rise. Maybe …
She is too confident, and it is because there are too many people escorting the road ahead that she can’t stand Wang Jingwei’s coldness now.
When did she become so fragile? Is this still a woman volleyball player who should have a posture? Yan lin suddenly felt very disappointing and thought for a long time before she got up slowly.
When Wang Jingwei and Shen Lin returned to the dormitory, they found a girl waiting in front of the dormitory.
There at noon, the sun is quite prosperous. Looking at Shen Lin from a distance, I can’t help but say, "Why are you coming? Go and have a look."
"What’s the hurry? It’s dark and I’m not afraid of black spots again." Wang Jingwei was in no hurry. In the past, Shen Lin was saying to yan lin, "What are you doing here in this diabolical sun?"
Although they are all in the training base, the men’s volleyball team and the women’s volleyball team live in dormitories across Gua Tian and Li also have to pay attention.
Yan lin shook her head. In fact, she also felt very sunburned. Although it was adjusted during training, the sun was very strong at ten o’clock. The girls in the team were all dark, and she was also tanned a lot.
"It’s okay, I’m okay." She was very grateful to Shen Lin for her kindness. She looked at Wang Jingwei with a disdainful look. yan lin was very serious. "I hope you don’t get angry with my bad attitude today."
"I have nothing to be angry about. Anyway, you are not in my charge." Wang Jingwei smiled coldly. Don’t come to the sun for a while, even if things are over, how can it be so simple?
"Director Yuan invited two brothers to come and guide us. We are good brothers, so we should work overtime and delay eating. However, we failed to practice well and failed to live up to the wishes of the brothers. It is not impossible for me if my brothers are still angry but want to punish me."
This matter is his own indefensible anyway. yan lin is very clear. Even if he is punished by Yuan Chengmin, he is himself.
Wang Jingwei is invited to help Wang Jingwei go away. Anyway, they are wrong. Now they have a better attitude. It’s better to instruct Yuan there later.
"How can I punish you?" Wang Jingwei suddenly laughed. Shen Lin pulled him up. The children’s family have realized their mistakes. Which one is so serious? I can’t say it, and I’m not afraid of others laughing at him for not bearing.
"Yes" yan lin looked at him very firmly.
"All right, let’s go to the playground and run for ten laps. Now I’ll be angry after running." Wang Jingwei has been building a training base here with a finger. From the initial bamboo shack to the present winter, there are heating dormitories and training halls. The volleyball base has been built with a playground and a fitness equipment room, so that daily training can be carried out in a targeted manner.
"Old Wang" Shen Lin is a little dissatisfied with this big sun running ten times and not fainting. Is there such a torment?
Wang Jingwei looked at yan lin with great interest. "Why didn’t you just say you weren’t ready to admit it?"
Yan lin’s lip corner was ticked "No". She looked at the side of her eyes and worried about the fire. Shen Lin "I’ll just go ten times."
Looking at the trotting away, Wang Jingwei shouted another sentence, "Don’t climb like a tortoise and run for ten and a half hours, otherwise ten laps will be added!"
"Are you finished?" Shen Lin was annoyed. "Ten more laps. Would you be happy if you had to toss her to lie down?"
Wang Jingwei doesn’t talk. He hates yan lin’s look. He is very deferential. In fact, there is a pride in his eyes. It seems that everyone looks down on him. He wants to kill that pride.
At eleven o’clock at noon, it is the hottest time here. Lin Yancai ran around and felt sweaty. The playground floor was very hot and it seemed that the whole person seemed to be in the sauna.
When she ran the fifth lap, she saw Wang Jingwei. I don’t know when to come over there and hold my arms and watch.
Yan lin just ignored it. In fact, she was very tired after she got up early in the morning for afternoon training. She should eat and practice flying back. Now she should sleep and run here. She doesn’t like it either, but since she said that, she should do it.
The hair was completely wet. The whole person seemed to be fished out of the water. After running the last lap, yan lin felt that he was very hot. Looking at it still there, Wang Jingwei and yan lin stubbornly looked up. "Do you count when I run?"
Wang Jingwei looked flustered. yan lin didn’t like those eyes very much. It was so stubborn that he felt like a scampering villain. "When did I break my word?" He turned to leave with a cold hum.
Yan lin lay on the ground behind him.
Chapter 9 9 heatstroke
Zhang Yunjie was called over. How can she be happy when she just fell asleep and was woken up by someone?